tough stuff

"Give me some time to get into better shape and we will do a photoshoot", were his words before I left for a long vacation spanning two countries. Having come back hungry for work (photographing places and things does not give me the same high as a photo session with a person, a photo session with objectives to capture a certain mood, or something special about that person), so I was very psyched to have an opportunity to photograph Kerem. 

It was an indoor photo session with one light, tons of coconut oil (to enhance form and give the skin a glistening look), and lots of fun, as always. As many other clients that I work with, Kerem was concerned about how to pose himself in front of the camera for a natural look. To alleviate this anxiety for him, I suggested some poses which he openly tried and we also improvised a little. 

Side by side comparison of the photo straight out of camera and the final edit. As you can see, the abs are really his :) 

Side by side comparison of the photo straight out of camera and the final edit. As you can see, the abs are really his :) 

Originally I had planned Kerem's final photos as high contrast black and white images, but when I started editing them, I decided to try a brownish/golden tonality and am very pleased with the results. As you can see from the side by side comparison of the two photos below, the only things that I changed in Photoshop were color and contrast and no alterations were made to the actual body of the model. By the way, the response to my request to provide some insight on how to get a body like that was simple: work out and watch what you eat, especially eliminate carbs. Sounds easy enough, right? ;)

These are the final images from our photo session. Hope you enjoy them!