divine feminine power: what it is and 6 ways to step into yours 

You know that feeling when you have your hair done? You feel magical, notice the attention you get from everyone, can’t stop admiring yourself in the mirror and even when you are NOT looking at your reflection in the mirror, you can’t help but smile because you KNOW that you totally ROCK? That feeling. Would you like more of that? 

You might also feel this way when you wear an outfit in which you know you look good and in which you FEEL CONFIDENT. There is this electrifying energy that comes FROM INSIDE OF YOU and people can’t help but SEE and FEEL it. 

When you feel all magical after a haircut or feel like a superhero when you are dressed for success, YOU ARE IN YOUR POWER!

When you are in your power, you are aware of your awesomeness. 

When you are in your power, you know that you are amazing and it shines so brightly that others KNOW it too. It’s like a blinding light that radiates from you that people simply cannot ignore. That’s what being in your power is. 

For me, being in my power means fully owning my talents, special gifts, knowledge, wisdom, and expertise. Growing up in the Soviet Union, talking about yourself in a positive way always meant bragging and it was not good. You were supposed to be like everyone else and not stick out.

Because of that, I learned to downplay my strong sides, and say that they are “nothing, not a big deal”, that “it is not me, it just happened to me, it is genetics or whatever”. When someone would say “You are so good with languages, it is incredible that you speak several of them”, I would say “Oh, with good teachers anyone can do that. Languages come easy to me, it is not a big deal.” 

Even now, when I seem to be doing much better in owning my power, when someone says “you are so talented”, I say, “no, i am not, it is not something that I do consciously, it is something that happens through me, i am just a vessel.”

Though there is a lot of truth in that last sentence when it comes to my creative process, owning my creativity and talents is exactly what being in my power means.

I am talented.

I am creative.

I am proud of myself.

I have worked hard to get to where I am (though it didn’t feel like hard work, more like creative play) and I will continue to grow. That’s what being in your power means.

“Being in my power means listening to my own voice over the voice of others & following through with my word on my beliefs.” another woman said. 

Being in your power means not being a victim of circumstances. You have the power to change either your actions, or at least your attitude so you are not in a victim role, ever. You don’t blame others for what happens to you, but you also don’t blame yourself, you just learn from the experience and move on. 

When you are in your power, you don’t use excuses to cover up your inability to do something. Instead, you find ways to do what you need to do. You don’t say “I can’t do this because of something that is outside of my control.” You say, HOW can I do it? Is there any way I can accomplish this?” 

As my mom used to say (in Russian), “Those who don’t want to do something, find reasons and excuses, those who want to do it, find ways and opportunities to do it. 

When you are in your power, you understand the power of the words you use. You say things with intention. Every word has meaning. You don’t say “I am trying to get in shape”, you say “I am getting in shape”. You also speak lovingly about yourself and your body. 

When you are in your power, you take good care of your body because you understand that you need your physical body to be capable of doing all the things you set out to do. You admire your body and thank it for all the simple yet wonderful things it enables you to do. 

So using simple language, you could say that being in your power is being CONFIDENT

Confident that you are smart, capable, beautiful, to do whatever you set out to accomplish. 

Confident that you are enough. 

Confident that you have all the talent, wisdom or access to resources that you need to complete a task. 

Confident that everything will work out well. 

Confidence is awesome, I just like the word POWER better because it’s more electrifying. It makes me think of 











When I taught American accent training to foreign students, one of the tips that I gave them was to EXAGGERATE their American accent when we were practicing. Because when they went back to speaking English in their everyday life, they would shrink back to about 30% of what they learned in class. So the more they exaggerated their American accent in class, the higher their chance was to sounding more American in everyday interaction. 

The same with being in your power and confidence. The more passionate you are about your talents and positive traits in front of a bathroom mirror, the higher the chance you will actually speak and act confidently in the real world. (A bathroom mirror is like our classroom :))

There is nothing wrong with the word “confidence”. But I feel like it is being shy of its accomplishments, that’s why we need to give it a boost and talk about electric words to get ourselves powered up. That’s why motivational speakers sound like they had a six pack of Red Bull or a pot of coffee when they teach. They need to energize you to their level so that you can affect change in your life. 

Only people who are PASSIONATE about something can affect change. Many humans seek the path of least resistance and to really affect change you have to be a real powerhouse that can get others to believe in what you believe. 

So I don’t invite you to become confident. 

I invite you to STEP INTO YOUR POWER. 

I invite you to put on your SUPERHERO outfit and follow your PASSION. Be the AUTHORITY to your clients if you have a business, be the LEADER to your followers. Use your ENERGY to live a full and rich life and by shining your light CONFIDENTLY this way, you will give the permission to many others to step into their POWER. 

(Uff… I feel like I just ran a marathon. Being a motivational speaker is not easy :))

Here are few simple ways to step into your power:

  1. Move your body, literally electrify your body through walking, dancing, doing some yoga, running outside with your kids

  2. Make a list of all the qualities that you admire or like in yourself, hang that list by the mirror and read it aloud to yourself when you look in the mirror daily. 

  3. When someone pays you a compliment, don’t rush to answer it. Hear it, digest it, and think whether what you are about to say downplays your role in it, or if it affirms your special efforts, or talents. Remember, OWN YOUR AWESOMENESS. 

  4. Be mindful of how you speak. Use empowering language that sets you up for success, talk lovingly about your body, never make self-degrading comments even if jokingly. 

  5. Have a digital portrait of yourself created. Basically, you email your photo to a digital artist and she creates a piece of art in which you are depicted as a goddess, superhero, whatever you want to be. Check out my girl Katie for this service. This one requires a larger investment that the previous tips, but it is totally worth it, 

  6. Have professional photos of yourself taken. Another way of stepping into your power that costs money but that can enhance your life in so many ways. Having an artist create portraits of you so you can see how powerful and beautiful you already are, so you can admire yourself and see how the world sees you. Have your portraits printed and display them in your house for a daily reminder of your amazingness. You can also use these photos for your social media or website, if you have a business or service. 

When you are in your power, the sky’s the limit! When you have the confidence that you are enough, that you will succeed, even if it is on twentieth time, you boldly go in the direction of your dreams and create the life you want. By being in your power you give others the permission to do the same. By being the most unapologetic and strong version of you you are making the world a better place! If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for the good of the world!

Now to you.

What does being in your power look like to you? Please share in the comments or send me a personal message.

With love and gratitude, 

Francesca Bliss