sexy over sixty: goddess photoshoot for sexty-three year old Lourdes Starshower

I knew she would say “I feel the most alive at the ocean” when we were discussing the location for her Goddess Photoshoot. And she did :)

Lourdes Starshower, a tantra healer, had turned sexty-three earlier that year. That was a reason enough to celebrate with a photoshoot! In addition to that, to embrace the feminine AND masculine in her, she had just changed her hairstyle. Her hair was now cut short on one side and was longer on the other side. And on top of that, Lourdes wanted to connect more to the sensual, sexy and playful goddess inside her; she felt that she had shut that part off a little bit in a way when she was with her previous partner.

The video below sums up Lourdes’ photoshoot into four and a half minutes. The part of the video you do not want to miss is at 3:50 - please be sure to check it out.

And here is how it unfolded from the beginning if you are curious about the whole process step by step ;)

I got to the park well ahead of time because I wanted to prepare everything for this one shot… I had a vision for an image I wanted to create when Lourdes sent me photos of her outfits. I saw her lying on the ground in the red dress, surrounded by green fern leaves and red roses. I didn’t tell Lourdes about my idea, but got all my necessary supplies before heading to her photoshoot.

Check out a quick video below about how we created this photo:

I must also mention that we created the shot with the roses much later, not in the beginning of the shoot. You see, when Lourdes got there, she was like a toddler - wanting to go here and there and climb the trees. She ended up changing into a more tree-climb-conducive green dress and we created the images below first. I set up the fern and roses on the ground but we got to them much later. The light shifted by then but we were lucky that it still worked well, though there were patches of bright direct sunlight on her body, but I am ok with that.

Lourdes changed into the red dress and we created the images on the ground plus photos of her with the crown, which I love!

And a few playful images with another fascinator right after that:

It was now time to head to the beach, before the sun set completely.

The waves were so loud on that day, we heard them from the woody area. They were also so powerful that when I was photographing Lourdes kneeling on the sand, I almost got knocked over by a wave and washed away into the ocean!

Lourdes really got into her sensual playful lioness spirit while posing for me on the sand. The images we created are so playful and joyful, take a look:

And this sequence of images of Lourdes being splashed by a wave is one of my favorites!

It was an incredible photoshoot and I am so happy with the images Lourdes and I created. Her Goddess Photoshoot was a great fnew beginning of bringing more of the sensual and playful Goddess into her life. ♥

Is ocean and the beach a place where you feel most alive? If you were to have your photos taken at the beach, how do you envision them? Please reach out for a free twenty-minute discovery call if you want to talk about what your beach photoshoot would look like.

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